Our early childhood development program nurtures strong starts for small people.
The rapid development of a child’s brain begins in the prenatal stage and continues into the first 2000 days of life. This period is critical, yet currently, in Cambodia, multiple factors inhibit the healthy development of young children. Vulnerable families often find challenges in registering the birth of infants, accessing adequate medical care, nutrition and child care. We work closely with the Preah Sihanouk Department of Health, Department of Health and with families to ensure that infants and young children have the best start in life.


The LUCF day care centre provides young children aged 1-3 years with a safe, specialised environment to access:
- Supervised recreational play
- Free-play
- Fun, interactive base learning classes
- Creative activities
- Social integration with age-appropriate peers
- Nutrition supplementation
- Nap time


- LUCF social outreach
- ECD specialist advice and guidance
- Framework for best practice standards
- Ongoing support to nurture the skills of care providers
- Resources

- English classes
- Khmer language classes
- Khmer history
- Maths classes
- Group reading
- Art classes and activities
- Monthly creative group workshops
- Recreational play
- Sports and games
- Daily nutrition supplementation
- Daily collection and drop off in the van

M’lop T’pang, a leading specialist NGO generously contributes resources and clinic time to ensure that our current intake of children in programs attend regular medical check-ups.
Our outreach work with families to ensure that children are receiving first round vaccinations at local health centers. Emergency medical support is also available for all families when needed.
- Health center liaison and coordination
- Water and sanitation development
Reaching sustainable outcome through community mobilisation and skill development
✔ Community workshops
✔ C.A.G members leadership
✔ Home-based daycare
✔ Early childhood development home resource packs for home learning
✔ Intellectual sustainability
We recognise that sustainable outcomes are critical for social empowerment. Ensuring that community can harness resources to build awareness and strengthen advocacy is an essential component of our program design and delivery. We aim to support increased community awareness, advocacy, participation and mobilisation through workshops, skill development, community volunteer programs and opportunities for learning.